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The World's No1. Speed Putting Experience 
Protected by Intellectual Property Laws*

Introducing the new addition to our Unique Racing offering... 'Gopher Racing'. 

An addictive, fully immersive, golf racing experience that puts the fun back into golf! Gopher Racing is a fast paced multiplayer game that rewards skill, perfect aim and speed. The higher the score on the holes putted, the sooner the gopher makes it to the finish line.


  • Unique patented design allow both lefties and righties to play without hassle.

  • Integrated drinks holders (for when the caddie isn't available)

  • Inclusive for spectators too, with real time scores and the gopher race presented on a 3D Digital marquee.

  • Integrated payment systems (contactless & collective) and quantity discounts ("best of" options)

  • Automatically vended prizes for every race winner, with the option of branded prizes. 

Gopher Racing is recommended  in banks of 6 lanes, 

Banks are also available in lanes of 2,4,6,8 & 10. 


*"Gopher Racing" is protected by Intellectual Property laws. The Gopher Racing name is a registered trademark, and an International Patent application has been filed.

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